martes, 30 de junio de 2009

My ideal Job.

My ideal job would Not work, but this is impossible. That's why my ideal job might be working in an organization or a foundation for children at social risk.This organization would have art workshops such as singing, painting, sculpture, theater, dance, etc.The children all expressed through art, and may teach other subjects such as math through art.

In this fudación I'd like to do mathematics classes, but I would like to be director of the foundation, because I like order, directing (I am a little bossy) And they could do a nice job. On this foundation I would not want the children to be treated as poor indefensos.Me or would like to be treated as leaders, regardless of where children are at risk.
I work in a foundation, because I was lucky to have many things, a beautiful family, a nice house, good education, plus all the gifts my parents gave me. And working with children at risk would be back and everything I had. And they deliver to such a welcoming place where children learn, play and share.

Finally, with this job I will not make any money, but that I do not really matter.

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