viernes, 20 de noviembre de 2009
Self Evaluation of My Academic Year (2009)
When I think I'm in the third year of the career, although I can not believe that time has passed so quickly. I remember the first half, when I was so worried and nervous that I thought would fail all courses, but I approved all courses.
This school year, for me it was very good because I gained new experiences and new knowledge. I had were very diverse courses, some courses good and some courses bad. I liked some courses and others not. Among the subjects that I liked was "Family", this course was very important, because we saw education from its social roots and that to me is fundamental. Another class that I liked was "Language” that class helped me know the process of reading and writing in children, it was very interesting. But there were not so good classes, like "educational evaluation" deflating in time. This course started very well, but then stalled.
Also in this school year, I learned how to implement diverse projects and research. As I said, this school year helped me gain new experiences. The new experience was that I learned that many people do not work together, because there is a responsibility within the team and the friends are ineffective for work.
I think this school year has been better than the last, because I'm more mature and focused on the race. I've also learned over the practice in schools and that to me is very important. I think it was a nice and productive school year.
In conclusion I feel increasingly more prepared to perform as a teacher. I want to quickly finish my career in order to exercise and perform small but profound changes in Chilean education. But I hope to be ready to enter college and to teach all I know.I am increasingly confident that a quality education is the first step to defeat the social injustice. I believe that education enables people to think and analyze their actions. I am a lover of education, but of a quality education for all social sector and make possible to all children. And I also hope that the teachers we are a socially valued professionals.
jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2009
Challenges in your Discipline
In the technology area the education must face the massive use of internet has children. For that the education must increase technological resources and the teachers must know about these resources.
The technology is necessary for education, because this way the education must advance. I think that each school independent of their social condition must have technology. For example each school must have computer (whit internet) for all students, school activities in web, data show in each classroom, and other technology resources.
In the social matters area, the education has a big debt, because the public schools don’t offer a quality education, and this is the real problem in education.
But the other problem in social matters area is the low salary of teacher. I think these problems can only be resolved when the education doesn’t think like a business
In Education area, the education must worry for the education in the Universities to get the teacher university degree, because the preparation in this profession is bad in many Universities and anyone can be teacher. I think the solution for this problem is checking the education that gives each university, because be a teacher is not a joke.
A piece of News
The National Monument Council was not allowing built the John Paul II Statue because this statue could break the town-planning harmony.
This statue was donated for San Sebastian University, and his height is 12 meter. The statue could locate in the small square in Bellavista neighborhood and this statue could be in front of Law Faculty of Universidad de Chile.
The neighboring of Bellavista neighborhood was very upset, because this statue don’t respect whit neighborhood history and the big height break the landscape. But now the National Monument Council says no to the big statue.
The Statue architect says this monument could locate in a new place and the Cerro Navia mayor says that in his town could locate this statue.
I like hear read or watch on T.V is the cancer cure was founded, but the cure was natural remedy such as herb, because whit I think the traditional medical treatment such as chemotherapy is more harmful than the cancer.
jueves, 5 de noviembre de 2009
Improving your Faculty Facilities
But these facilities could be strengthening because the computers are insufficient in quantity for the students, the cafeteria is small, and the library doesn´t have many books.
The improvements that need are more computers, best service in cafeteria (and reasonable price) and best equipment in library, develop relax places, best toilets and best attention in secretary´s office.
The first steps to dealing this situation is convert the library in a real library; we would take a silent reading room, best service, more books, work room, armchairs and computers. This library would be like Philosophy library.
The solutions for these problems are better quality in food, drop the price, better variety in snacks and extend the cafeteria because is too small. In the relax places would take green areas seats, smoke area, comfortable armchairs and lunch area. The toilet would be take toilet paper and be clean.
The real benefits of these improvements are offering a pleasant environment to study. Whit a better library the students would be most motivate to study.
jueves, 22 de octubre de 2009
Does anybody like their school photographs?

I hate the school photographs because this photographs show the change from child to young.
I remember my first school photograph, this pictures was horrible. I had ugly hair cut in this photograph, but my mother put it in the living room. I had embarrassment.
For the students the school photographs are a tragedy and all students hates it. This pictures show us in our ugly years, for example when we had braces, shins, fat, ridiculous hair cut. Why the school years are the worst time in the life? And why they insist remember these years in a photograph?
The worst about this school photographs is our parents thinks that photographs is a nice living room decorates. And my mother shows the picture to all my friends. But the best about this school photographs is we can see the ugly years of our friend and we can laugh a lot.
Any way If anybody likes their school photographs I propose use the Photoshop and the problem is solved.
jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009
Election Day
I think the electoral campaigns is massive spend of money, energy and insult between presidential candidates. In this electoral campaign the presidential candidates are worry to denigrate the competition and they aren´t worry to propose new ideas for the social and economic development.
A good presidential candidate must have these qualities: he/she should have social conscience; he/ she must work for economic equality and he/she must respect the democratic state.
I don´t ever consider to become a politician, but now whit this question I should think consider to become a politician. If I had to work in a ministry of the government I choose the Culture Ministry. I choose this ministry because I`d like that all people enjoy the art. I think the art is very restricted and the only people that enjoy it are the upper class.
I think the 5 problems in my country require an immediate solution are: social exclusion, the quality educational, the attention in public health, unemployed, delinquency
jueves, 8 de octubre de 2009
Criminal Laws
I think there aren’t pros in capital punishment, because the solution is not the dead. The cons in capital punishment is the easy way to reduce criminality like that we are exterminate animal plague.
The measure that government should take to reduce criminality rates in Santiago is attack the heart of the matter: “revolving doors”. Without the revolving doors, the criminality could be to reduce.
In my opinion the origin of the increasing criminality rates in Chile is for social exclusion. The social risk is most vulnerable for drugs problem, desert school problem and material restriction. The only and easy solution for their problems is the delinquency. The delinquency is social problem and the solution is to make program for attack the poverty.
I never been a victim of a crime, but my father was a fraud victim. In 1995 he and a “friend” make a new business, they made a lot of money thanks to the business, but the friend robbed all his money. The fraud was very hard for my father and never forgive a his friend.
jueves, 1 de octubre de 2009
What to do / where to go in Santiago
If you like you should visit my 5 favorite’s places. My first favorite place is “Mercado Central” in this place you will taste the delicious Chilean seafood and also you will see the real Chile. My second favorite place is located very near for the “Mercado Central”; this place is calling “La Piojera”. In this place you will taste the “Terremoto drink” and the traditional Chilean food; you should taste the “prietas” or “arrollado”. My third place is the “San Cristobal Hill”,in this place you will see the Virgen statue, you will visit the zoo and you will lunch in the “Enoteca Restaurants”. My fourth favorite place is the “Municipal Theater”, in this place you will enjoy the ballet show like as “Don Quijote Ballet”. My fifth and last favorite place is “Cajon Del Maipo”, in this place you will enjoy for the beautiful nature and you will practice “canopy” or “kayak”.
sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2009
My education

I would tell the authorities began to worry about education and not to remain only in words. As a first idea is to regulate the training of teachers, because now anyone can be a teacher, another idea is to run programs in the poorest schools to motivate students, as various educational workshops.
I believe that each person is responsible for his education, but also important is the quality of education they receive. For example if a child is motivated to study, but the education they receive is poor, he is no longer responsible. I believe that education is built, some students surrender, another teacher and another family.First time I hear this saying, but I think it means that without students there are no teachers, or when a student is good is because his teacher is too. But I believe that this is bizarre.
jueves, 27 de agosto de 2009
Transantiago: Before And After
I think that Transantiago was bad designed project, because the implemention was very rushed, the people and the street weren´t ready for the new system. I think that was his big mistake. The Engineers and Politicians didn´t think users of this new system. when "transantiago" was inaugurated,the people still didn´t know how they were going to operate these new buses.
But Transatiago is better than "yellow buses" because the air and noise pollution is more low and the street have less traffic. Also the new pay system is more quicker than old pay system. But the Transantiago is worse than "yellow buses" in the routes.
I don´t have much experience in the Transantiago, because I don´t take bus very often, but when I do, my experience is not bad compared to my friends. They tell me they take a long time to take a bus and when they take the bus is too full. But they tell me that this problem is improving little by little. Also I think that over time, "transantiago" will improve.
I think "transantiago" should improve the number of routes, so people wouldn´t wait long time to take a bus. Also the people should learn to respect the bus stops. I hope that "transantiago" may work well for people to have a good transportation
jueves, 20 de agosto de 2009
A country I would like to visit.

I know about Italy some things such as the beautiful Toscana, the wonderful “Sixtina Charpel”, the “Roman Coliseum”, and the “Pisa tower”. Also I know that Italy is famous for here Mediterranean gastronomy: the pizza, pasta, risotto, polenta and wine. In politics, Italy was famous for the Mussolini dictatorship and the Berlusconi scandal.
If I travel to Italy I would like to visit the Vatican and Toscana. I would like to eat pasta, pizza and cannelloni in a “Trattoria”. Also I would enjoy the art, music and the opera. I would also like to know the schools and their teaching methods. Then I could implement these methods in Chilean schools
I would live there because my great-grandmother was Italian and I would like to know his country. Also I like the art world and this country is a great exponent. I think that Italy is a very quiet and also motivating country. I think the lifestyle in Italy is perfect for me, because it has everything I like.
jueves, 13 de agosto de 2009
First Term: Good and Bad Points
In the first term I didn’t take any sport, but now I take Pilates and Power Fitness. And I go to these sports three times a week, because I think that is good to my health. I had one big challenge in my first term, it was the methodology subject. This subject was very difficult for me, I couldn’t understand anything because the teacher was boring.
The first term I couldn’t share a lot with my friends, because they were busy with the university. My family had a good first term, my father did well in his work and my sisters were good in their studies.
In my winter vacations I went to the beach called Algarrobo. The weather was cold but the company was good. Also I celebrated my birthday.
martes, 30 de junio de 2009
My Blogging Experience
My ideal Job.
In this fudación I'd like to do mathematics classes, but I would like to be director of the foundation, because I like order, directing (I am a little bossy) And they could do a nice job. On this foundation I would not want the children to be treated as poor indefensos.Me or would like to be treated as leaders, regardless of where children are at risk.
I work in a foundation, because I was lucky to have many things, a beautiful family, a nice house, good education, plus all the gifts my parents gave me. And working with children at risk would be back and everything I had. And they deliver to such a welcoming place where children learn, play and share.
Finally, with this job I will not make any money, but that I do not really matter.
martes, 23 de junio de 2009
My favourite subject
Any change in university, because my career is not science subjects, but has a lot of history. Now I like the story, and I can say that I do well in that class.
But although I like math, so I specialize in this area in order to teach mathematics to children
Another subjects that I liked very much was "Desarrollo y Aprendizaje." This subjects was very interesting
Ken Robinson and Education
Ken Robinson said that education is important because it educates for a future that nobody knows. Ken called special education is for this reason. He also said that education by the surprising innovation that has children.
Robinson said that children have a great talent, but adults do not see. Robinson said that education should be creative as important as literacy. Then Ken said in any school in the world, the most important is mathematics, language, and is then below are the arts (music and visual arts).But the school can not deny the arts and creativity, because they are elements of the intelligence and capabilities of individuals.
martes, 16 de junio de 2009
My Future
Also in my plans is to create a company that mixes art and cuisine. I would like to become a cultural center where the show dance, theater, music and also have a restaurants. This company would be familiar, because my sister Isidora studying dance, my sister Daniela is studying arts, my uncle Manuel is a chef and each bring ideas.
I hope that my idea of working in an NGO, can follow with my work in the cultural center.
I personally would like a child before 32 and I do not care if I'm married or not. Still I don`t believe in marriage, because I think I am too young to think about that.I still have time to think about starting a family.
The best in my area
The best in my area is a distinguished academician in History and his name is Gabriel Salazar Vergara. Gabriel Salazar is devoted to studying and investigate the History the lower classes of society and the "self-education" of these classes.
Gabriel Salazar was born in Santiago in 1936 on January 31 and joined in 1960 to study history at the University of Chile, with parallel studies in philosophy and sociology.Also Salazar in 2006 won the "History National Award". Currently, Salazar works as a teacher in the History of Chile in the department of historical sciences from the University of Chile and gives the chair of Social History of Chile in the Law Faculty and Social Sciences Faculty at the same University.
I think that Salazar is a great example for any teacher, as they are interested in the study of social class people. this is very important to the work of the teacher who wants an education fair for all.
miércoles, 10 de junio de 2009
My Career
miércoles, 27 de mayo de 2009
My Favorite Photograph

I like this photograph very much, because I`m with my beloved friends. On the right site of the picture it is Maca, I`m in the middle and Yeni is on the left. Maca took this photograph in the Journalism Faculty toilet. I don`t remember very well the date of this photograph, but approximately it was in december or november of 2008.
In this photograph we were imitatetying the "Pokemona" Photoghaph and in that moment we were joking. That day we took many photographs but this is my favorite, because It is the most photogenic jajajajajaja
miércoles, 20 de mayo de 2009
My Favorite Piece Of Techology
My life without my cellphone would be so boring, because my friend call me to organize the party, I feel disconnect from social life. Also I couldn´t call my sister Daniela to ask :Where are you?¡¡
miércoles, 6 de mayo de 2009
My ( Fabulous) last Vacation
In my last vacation I went to Camboriu, Brasil with my sisters Daniela and Javiera. I went in February in the week from 18th to 26th. In this week was the celebration of "Carnaval" so the people celebrate all day, in the streets was heard "samba" and all danced.
I did too many thing, I danced samba, I drank a lot "caipirihna" ,I met a lot people,I went up in a railway from one beach to other beach, but that I didn´t like because I had vertigo.
Also I went on a big boat to where an entertaining dance show.
The weather was humid and too hot, but with a goods "caipirihna" heats was resolved. The only problem with the weather was my skin, I should get much sunscreen.
The moment I will never forget was when two brasilian taught Samba to me and my sisters, this moment was very funny because I didn´t dance a lot. And I will never forget the big party in the beach, it was started at 11 pm and finished at 9 am.
This vacation was very entertaining, the company of my sisters was enjoyable, the place was beautiful, and the party was great.
I expect the next summer come back to the camboriu..¡¡¡
miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009
My best Friend
I like about Anto is the confidence and humor , but really I do not like that she is a little shallow.
Anto is so organized, and that I envy a little.
The best adventure whit my friend is when met the "BackStreet Boys" in the Miramar hotel, and we could photograph with them. Another adventure was to go to a party in the beach furtively of our parents.
I give to Anto unlimited quota on your credit card,It is also a gift that no car crash ever.